Retirement Personalized Gifts

What is the Perfect Retirement Gift?

Retirement is one of the most significant and personal times of a lifetime. This event is a recognition of 30 to 40 years of dedicated personal service to an organization. The retirement gift needs to signify an individual accomplishment that is unique to only this retiree. It's important that your friends and family present you with a meaningful, personalized retirement Keepsake - NOT just a gift.

Monogrammed Throw Blanket. A personalized retirement gift idea for a unique retirement gift. A retirement gift suggestion for man or woman that can be monogrammed to include name and retirement date. Unique embroidered retirement gift idea for employee retirement, executive retirement or retirement gift for dad, corporate retirement gift, gift for 25 years retirement.

Celebrate the new journey for an employee or friend with this memorable retirement gift for a corporate retirement party.

Personalization can be added for $7.50 per line.